Equality Act Objectives 2022-2025
The general duties of the Equality Act 2010 are:
● eliminate unlawful discrimination
● advance equality of opportunity
● foster or encourage good relations
Gorse Covert Primary School is committed to ensuring equality of provision throughout the school community. To achieve this, our equality objectives for 2022-2025 are as follows:
- Develop a culturally inclusive curriculum which promotes equality and diversity and gender equality.
- Embed British Values of respect and tolerance
- Narrow the gap between advantaged and disadvantaged and all BME groups.
Gorse Covert Primary is an inclusive school and all children and parents are welcome regardless of their race, religion, disability or sexual orientation.
Our PSHE Curriculum covers LGBT+ and all other protected characteristics in a subtle and age-appropriate way. Below you can find our coverage of Protected Characteristics across our curriculum. We also do Picture News with the children which links the protected characteristics with real life, current news items.
Our Equality Policy and Objectives can be found in our policy section.
Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Education
At Gorse Covert Primary, we believe in developing the 'whole child' and are proud of our social, moral, spiritual and cultural education (SMSC) which is embedded with in our broad and balanced curriculum. This also covers the richness of our diverse society and global community, whilst also respecting British Values. Coverage of our SMSC curriculum and British Values can be found by viewing the documents below.
For parents who may wish to find out further information on supporting your child with any LGBT+ issues, advice and information can be found at the following links.