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Smart, tailored, plain, dark grey school trousers of waist height and ankle length.
Children may wear grey shorts in summer.

Smart, plain grey skirt of knee length, no split or tiered skirts.
A blue and white checked dress in summer is optional.

Either a white polo shirt or white shirt with a tie. Polo shirts with the school logo are optional. 

School jumpers
Either a school jumper with our logo (optional) or dark blue coloured jumper/cardigan. 

All children must wear black shoes.
No trainers (regardless of colour).
No open toe sandals.

Grey/black socks.
White/navy/black/grey tights or socks. No leggings.

PE uniform
White round-neck T-shirt and black shorts. Pumps can be worn but trainers are recommended. We also recommend a track-suit for outdoor PE. This must be plain navy blue or one of the school’s logo tracksuits (optional).

Belts: We are happy for children to wear black belts if they fit within the belt loops of the trousers and are plain.

One small single stud in each ear lobe, one wrist watch.
No sleepers of any size and no large studs. Earrings must be removed for PE lessons.

Hair bands/decoration and bobbles should be a reasonable size and either black/blue or white.
Long hair should be tied back.
No zigzags/stripes hair cuts.

Make Up:
No make up or hair colour.

Nail varnish:
Nail varnish should not be worn in school.

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