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Pupil Voice

School Council

We have a School Council who meet regularly and raise any issues they would like to see improved. Each class has a member on the Council who feedback views from their class.

School council aims:

  • To meet regularly to discuss their views and be heard.
  • To organise whole school and class events
  • To organise charity days
  • To make sure our school is a happy and safe place for all of our children
  • To make sure children have a place to voice their concerns, opinions, and thoughts
  • To encourage all children in school to suggest ideas and improvements
  • To ensure any suggestions or concerns are listened to and acted upon

Over the last few years they have had a say on:

  • Playground equipment
  • Seating at dinner times
  • Which charities the school should support
  • Raise money for school and charities
  • Enabling children to wear non-uniform on their birthday

In 2020, our School Council worked together to gain the Silver Wise Up Award which recognises our work on anti-bullying and hate crime.

wise-up-Silver-Award-2020-150x150school council 2023

House Captains

Each of our Houses (Shakespeare, Holmes, Earhart and King) has a Y6 House Captain. Each Captain is elected by their House members in a ‘General Election’ after listening to their ‘manifesto’.

Pupil Questionnaires

Each year we ask our pupils to complete a questionnaire. From the responses, we ask the School Council to look into ways things can be improved.

The vast majority of our pupils say they enjoy coming to school, the children are friendly, they get help when they need it and they feel safe in school. You can find our latest pupil questionnaire here. 

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